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In the next 10 years, there will be four major changes in the automotive market, and new opportuniti

The market share of new energy vehicles in China will be 35% in 2023, and it is expected to reach 40% this year. According to authoritative institutions, the ma
The market share of new energy vehicles in China will be 35% in 2023, and it is expected to reach 40% this year. According to authoritative institutions, the market share of new energy vehicles will reach 45% in 2027.
It is surprising that new energy vehicles in our country only began to develop rapidly ten years ago, and such achievements have been achieved in such a short period of time. Therefore, we can imagine the automotive industry ten years from now, and perhaps there will be three changes in the future.
The first is that the country will consciously increase the cost of using fuel powered vehicles
Nowadays, some people say that as long as gasoline powered cars exist for a day, I will definitely not buy new energy vehicles, including myself. But the problem is that since the country has made up its mind to promote new energy vehicles, we must find ways to force us to buy them.
There are two ways to do this: one is to make new energy vehicles cheaper to use, and the other is to make gasoline vehicles more expensive to use, so that consumers can ultimately make the most economically beneficial choice.
The extensive use of new energy vehicles is related to China's future national prosperity. After all, we are a country lacking oil. At critical moments, we cannot grasp our lifeline on fragile routes. Only by quickly transitioning to new energy vehicles can we ensure our safety.
So the current market share of 35% is still too low. It's best to reach 80%, 90%, or even 100% to make us feel at ease.
Secondly, the charging speed will become faster and faster
The biggest problem with new energy vehicles is not actually the range, but the charging speed. Imagine, if a new energy vehicle can charge for up to three minutes, then a new energy vehicle that can generally reach a range of 600km would have any range anxiety?
Someone asked, why don't we develop the best new energy vehicles with a mileage of over 2000 kilometers? I would like to ask another question, can gasoline powered cars exceed 2000km? Most of them are just between 600-800km.
A range of 600km is already sufficient. If you want to continue improving the range of new energy vehicles, you can only develop solid-state batteries, but this is not something that can be successfully developed quickly. On the contrary, accelerating the charging speed would be more convenient. First, increasing the charging speed and then increasing the range is a more reliable approach.
Thirdly, intelligent driving will become the mainstream of the future
The difference between new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles is that new energy vehicles do not have the complex mechanical structure of fuel vehicles, which makes them more suitable for intelligent driving and can omit a crucial step of converting electrical signals into mechanical signals.
So we can see that the intelligent property of new energy vehicles is much higher than that of fuel vehicles for new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles of the same grade, so new energy vehicles prefer to use auto drive system.
At present, major enterprises in China have started the test of unmanned auto drive system and even small-scale commercial applications. Although these tests often encounter issues, I believe that as experience increases, these issues will gradually disappear.

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