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All the works of the first car review network are uploaded by the users of the first car review network for learning and communication, not for other purposes; If commercial use is required, it must be authorized by the copyright owner and comply with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations. In case of any dispute caused by illegal use, all consequences shall be borne by the user.

The first car review network encourages users to fully supervise the works on the website. When the copyright owner makes an infringement accusation and presents sufficient copyright proof materials, the first car review network will verify the complaints and report at the first time and clean up the infringing works in time.

The comments made by members of this site only represent the netizens themselves, not the views of this site. When the user's comments and actions infringe the copyright or other rights of a third party, the responsibility lies with the user himself, and the first car review network does not bear any legal responsibility. We believe that users have known and understood this statement.

Without the permission of the first car review network, no one may steal the first car review network to download resources; Do not copy or imitate this site or create a mirror image on a server other than the first car review network. The copyright of the logo, source code and layout design of all pages of the first car review network belongs to the first car review network.

It shall not be used at any site except the first car review network without authorization. First Car Review Network believes that all users have carefully read the above terms and conditions of this agreement and fully agreed when entering the homepage and pages of First Car Review Network. Please forgive me!

If the copyright owner finds that his work has been infringed, any unit or individual should submit his name, telephone number, identity certificate, ownership certificate, specific link (URL) and detailed description of the infringement to the first car review network. After receiving the relevant report documents, if the situation is true, the first car review network will take measures such as deleting, blocking and disconnecting the links to remove the relevant suspected infringement content within 24 hours.